Community Service

Salvation Army: Providing Food to people in need

From 2012-15, my family, along with Sri Sathya Sai Organization team members, visited every 3rd Sunday of the month to cook and serve hot food to the needy. I loved visiting the Salvation Army Conroe Community Center on Sundays with my sister and parents. While my mom used to cook delicious food, I used to be excited to distribute and serve it. From spaghetti to garlic bread, I enjoyed serving food to each person who was there. While some were familiar faces, others were new each weekend. Apart from serving food, I also loved having small conversations with each of the Salvation Army members.

The Salvation Army is the largest non-government provider of social services in the United States and one of the largest in the world with expenditures including operating costs of US$3.6 billion in 2022, assisting more than 32 million people in the U.S. alone. In addition to funding feeding centres, homeless shelters, rehabilitation and community centres, and disaster relief, the organisation establishes refugee camps nationwide. 

This experience really shaped my love for community service and giving back to people. When I look back, I realise that there are people who are suffering in all countries, and all they need is some support.